일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Vanilla Hong의 일러스트

My Christmas's Wish

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  • 당신이원하는바로그선물


I am not Christian, so Christmas for me is like a normal day, where everybody around me celebrates it, but I don't even understand a thing.
I've been told that Santa doesn't exist, and I also lost my faith in him since I was a little kid. So, present or not, perhaps it no longer matters.
My family is poor, parents have to work hard days and nights to earn a single cent from others, so I dare not to ask them to fulfill my luxurious dream. But anyway, I still hope I have a chance to earn it. I tried hard, enter lots of contests, but it all end in vain, I know I'm incompetent.
I'm always alone, so is in this Christmas night. Just a simple wish, a simple dream, this tablet can help me draw my dream come true, step in a different world.
Medibang, please helps me to see that miracle still exists in this world.

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    신작순 Vanilla Hong의 일러스트


    Vanilla Hong


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