일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Peachy3000의 일러스트

Fcfs adopts and annocement in desc LEVEL 1

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  • medibangpaint

Ok so one, here are three adopts, first come first serve, I have no idea what the little animal is, I got bored a there it on there. In my brain it would be small enough to sit on your head, but make it what you want. The other two are based of these characters I made in Dollify years ago and had saved cuz they were cute. Secondly, I have a question for you all. What should I do? What would ya'll like me to do? Collabs? Adopts? Request? QnAs? Idk what I should do so feel free to give me suggestions in the comments please, it would be a big help. And those of you who I've said I'll do a collab with, I'm working on it, I've been busy with dumb school, but I'm now in break so I'll get on those, same with Bellas contest, posting that sometime tomorrow. But yeah, please help on that.I hope ya'll like these adopts, and if you think I should do more please tell me. Have a good evening or morning or day, where ever you are be great.

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    신작순 Peachy3000의 일러스트




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