일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Jimi Rock의 일러스트

Aphrodite and the Erotes

즐겨찾기 2


  • greeneyes

  • digital

  • 여신

  • blueeyes

  • cuteboy

  • ecchi

  • sexy

  • blondehair

  • sexygirl

  • greekmythology

The Erotes are the four winged children of Aphrodite, who personify various faces of love, in this drawing I brought Eros on the left and Anteros on the right.
Anteros is the Greek goddess of reciprocated but conscious love and the avenger of unrequited love. Her name literally means love has returned, but it can also be translated as "contrary to love", or "in which there is no love". After discovering that the reason Eros didn't grow was that he was alone and that love has to be reciprocated to grow, Aphrodite had Anteros with Ares. She was given to the lonely brother Eros as a companion so that Eros (love) could grow. So Eros grew up beautiful and strong, but after some time, Anteros was sent to be raised by a fisherman, and when Anteros left, Eros returned to being a boy and never grew up again. Physically, she is similar to Eros, but with long hair and feathered butterfly wings. She is also described armed with a golden club and lead arrows.

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    신작순 Jimi Rock의 일러스트


    Jimi Rock


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