일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Watch,draw,and seek의 일러스트

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  • medibangpaint

  • Forthenewfollowers

It's great to have you here. Ever since I started improving the way I draw, many of my relatives always suggested or asked if I showed art in specific social medias from deviant art to tumbler, but I was declining the offers due to me not feeling like I would do good on any of them. However when I found medibang paint I decided to try to post, and with this effort I never knew I would ever be recognised for doing something I like to do. Even if I ain't the most popular or that super educated on how to draw digitally. I'll do what ever I can to expand my knowledge and make the drawings more creative than the past years ago. I wouldn't have done it without you. Thanks to you Paint and rose sketch.

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    신작순 Watch,draw,and seek의 일러스트


    AAAAAAAAA! Artist
    Watch,draw,and seek


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