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Narnar is busy :( LEVEL 1

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1 month ago

  • medibangpaint

  • oc

  • cultofthelamb

Kiki likes getting and giving attention to the bishops (her family) usually she wants to be with Heket or Leshy, but sometimes she'll want to be with Narinder. the problem is that Narinder in my stories is not fond of children and Kiki is not an exception. tho Narinder does care about Kiki a little bit. Kiki is a pest and a nuisance to Narinder as she tends to bother Narinder while he is working (she is unaware that she is bothering him). Kiki also likes eating food so sometimes she'll eat the crops which triggers Narinder so much. Kiki is only two so her behaviors are forgivable in my opinion. she has been getting better at leaving Narinder alone so that's good :)

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