插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Skullgirl的插畫

Cheerful Morning with Feline Pal

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 48


  • 2020年5月插畫比賽:加油

  • medibangpaint

  • 猫耳

  • friendship

  • pet

  • pal

  • tomodachi

  • stayathome

  • selfquarantine

  • herekriss

Reina's morning is gloomy and depressing. She is doing self-quarantine alone in this pandemic days. She felt lonely in her house. Her parent isn't at home because they are working overseas. She got no friends. Her neighbor fighting out loud these days because of personal problem and crisis. That made Reina more sad because her close neighbor distancing alot for Reina's safety.

But, one day, at morning, she heard cute meowing from her yard and mini hydrangea garden. Turns out there are Oren-chan who want to be her best friend! Her gloomy mood become cheerful after a Feline Pal come to her life to accompany her day at home. Reina are so greatful she could met this cheerful ginger cat named Oren-chan.


    上傳時間 Skullgirl的插畫




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