Bad Drawing ; n ;
5 years ago
This is just random drawing of random characters. I am starting to practice a lot now. I know that drawing a lot makes you improve. Of course, drawing is related to drawing. Since it's related to drawing, practice a lot, it improves your brain control to draw. When you are doing something a lot, it is given that you will surely improve a lot. When I am a great artist, I would likely to share my experience. I already know what it feels like to be searching for something with no clue at all.
I hope after 3 years of drawing alot will make me drastically improve. I am already a manga artist.. I hope.. Writing is difficult actually. I was thinking. Make it simple but still complex. I have to read books, videos and etc . to fill some certain happenings that are need. I have a terrible writer's block right now because of having no experience. I actually change my story. Now, It's about a demon. I was shock of 60 page limit. I was like NO my hardwork.