插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 かずみ404的插畫

My Christmas wish: ShuttleXpress

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 202


  • 你最想要的禮物是?

  • 宇宙

  • kazumi

  • 404

  • takashi

  • cyclops

  • wish

  • isometric

  • shuttlexpress


I draw using my right arm, it's in my left arm that my problem lies. Due a problem I have on it, my arm burns in pain every time I try to draw over 10 minutes keeping it over the keyboard, to the point it makes me cry. There's no way I can keep it and my tablet near me at the same time, so the keyboard ends up far away from me, which makes my arm hurt even more. This is where this shuttleXpress comes in. It's small, and allows me to configure the shortcuts on it. This way I can sit it on my lap and keep drawing fast. I need this speed since I have to do MANY drawings each week to sustain my entire family.

It may look like a silly thing, but the pain in my arm is big and I'm not being able to keep my drawings fast enough in order to rise up enough money to buy it along with food, rent, medicine and all other needs from people here. I just want to continue being able to help my family.


    上傳時間 かずみ404的插畫


    One eyed Artist



    今天的LEVEL UP