Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest Chokedman.’s art

The old man

Favorites 1
Views 64

3 years ago

  • illustration

  • art

  • medibangpaint

  • digital

  • color

  • robot

  • Ilustration

  • cyberpunk

  • illustrations

Utilizando la temática futurista y usando colores vivos realicé esta obra que he llamado "el viejo".
tratando de capturar un diseño fresco y surrealista. Me apoyarías mucho con un like o un follow, recuerda que puedes revisar mi Instagram @chokedman para ver más trabajos de este estilo hechos en digital y tradicional así como consultarme por diseños, encargos, trabajos, etc.
Qué tengas un lindo día.


Using the futuristic theme and using bright colors I made this work that I have called "the old man".
trying to capture a fresh and surreal design. You would support me a lot with a like or a follow, remember that you can check my Instagram @chokedman to see more works of this style made in digital and traditional as well as consult me ​​for designs, commissions, works, etc.
Have a great day.


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