일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Jenglz의 일러스트

It was just a dream

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※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

Hello, everyone, I'm Jenglz. I want to share a dream I recently had. I apologize in advance for my English.

In the dream, I was in Itadori's body, and sometimes, as a spectator (like in Minecraft), I flew around and saw myself from a third-person perspective. Me, Mei Mei, and her brother were on a mission. I don't remember the exact task. We took an elevator to some floor, and as we exited the elevator, the three of us stopped, and I saw Sukuna also in Itadori's body (you don't have to ask how, but it's a dream, all sorts of nonsense happen) fighting with Jogo and Hanami, which surprised me. I wasn't aware that I was in a dream, and I thought like Itadori, various thoughts coming to my mind, which I forgot.

Sukuna stops during the battle, and time seems to freeze. Behind Sukuna, an entire city is ablaze. He turns to me, grins, and says these words: "Go to hell, brat."
Then, something forcefully throws me out of the dream, and I wake up abruptly, all sweaty, heart pounding madly.

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    신작순 Jenglz의 일러스트




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