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Adoptables (closed) LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

  • ArtsiePie

  • adoptables

  • adopts

  • Adopts

  • Adoptables

  • AdoptContest

I wanna do an adoptables contest. I spent a little over 12 hours on them so I'm gonna host a contest! The one without a number is mine. I drew her with the intention on keeping her anyways.

How to enter:
Comment the code "Delicious Pie" for adopt 1.
Comment the code "Tuna Sub" for adopt 2.
Once you've used the code, tell me how often you'd use the character and what for.
Finally, I'd like a short story on what you'd make the character like.

- It's a contest so it isn't immediate for results.
- Be a good sport about it.
- If you don't win, there's a chance I'll make more soon.
- These are not FCFS (first come first serve)
- Don't be mean in comments.
- Don't alter the designs if you win them until you've had them for at least a few months to a year. If they are altered quickly, then what was the point? I want the two to go to people that like the designs as is.
- Have a nice day.

I'll check the comments a few hours later.

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