일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 GhostTheBeast의 일러스트

OMG THANK YOU ALLLL (read description)

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  • medibangpaint

Thank you all sooooooo much it really makes me happy that people like my art, I always thought that back then everyone only pretended to like it due to the way the acted, I always thought they just did that to make me feel good about some of my art but it didn't...then I found medibang and realized every one on here can post there own art and most of the people I saw on medi didn't care what others think of there art and I wondered why they don't care
So I posted mine..... And I know why now.. Most of the people in here are so so nice and kind it makes me wanna say "hey. Stop pretending. Pretending can hurt someone's feelings" to those people who pretended to they like it so they can treat me like everyone else around me and not say all those stupid complements.

Again thank you all it makes me so so happy!
And I just got to 20followers not long ago didn't expect the number to go up that fast thank you

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    신작순 GhostTheBeast의 일러스트


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