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tanglebutt does an illegal

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

ALRIGHT FELLAS we gor my girl tanglebutt here with her child sugarpaw, her brother dustwhisker and her mother Specklemist

i tried shading once again but i cant do that and im lazy so oof to me i guess

artblock is somewhat gone, i still have it tho because i would have a better title but oh well


if yall want a story behind this yall have gone to the wrong place but itS FINEEEEE

tanglebutt tried to kill her father but the cats of starclan are lake nah that is bad go away tanglebutt and tanglebutt is like ooooooooooh aboutttt tthattt........

i have children here that died lmao and theyre halfclan so you can fight me about that but wyd when i die fr and you have to take care of these lil shits yourself??

alright im done here bye

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