Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest Mirai 未来’s art

Artstreet mascot design

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5 years ago

  • ARTstreet_Design

This is my Artstreet mascot design.
I wanted to keep her cute while also having a mature street vibe.
The top image includes a full body design with little light and shade.
it also includes her basic color palet.
The bottom is a turn sheet with different angles and expressions. it does not inclued any lighting or shadeing.

What she is wearing
Black tank top
pink of the shoulder hoodie
jeans with one leg cut off
pink fake leather boots
fish nets
black hoop earrings
black chocker with the letter A for Artstreet.

she has pink hair striped with the medibang logo colors
her eyes are blue
her skin is slightly tan

personality is spunky and athetic.
hobby is art

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