Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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3 years ago

  • girl

here I'm posting a little drawing of myself, and I'll be talking a little bit about myself too.
I'm not very good at drawing, but I try to do my best to make an effort, at least as much as possible so that a good drawing comes out. I would really like to make a manga, even if my drawings aren't beyond amazing.
as much as I am speaking English, this is not my native language. i'm brazilian, and i hope i meet other people from my country around here too 😊 i'm writing in english because i don't know if i can write in my native language, because i've only seen some languages that appear on my profile, so i'm writing in English anyway.😂
something I really want when I'm around here is to make manga in stories that I create, even if my drawings aren't that great.
just that.😊✌
please don't copy my drawing!

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