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Latest Kings’s art

Infernum, Demon king of hell, God of evil

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3 years ago

  • medibangpaint

Height-2.78m (9ft 1)
Age-6.1×10^134 years
Abilities-Spreading chaos near him, negative emotion controll, minor dark matter manipulation, concentrated blasts of pure evil, negative mind control (to an extent, Gods can't control other Gods domains so he can't fully controll Reficul's territory, the mind), Super human speeds and strength (sometimes), moving through chaos, very complex magical knowledge
Characteristics-A once proud and feared, sadistic monster that loved evil over the period of a long life has become a tired, uninterested, depressed, antisocial, but still manipulative man that has very few joy in his life. He only restains close connections to his sister, his children (mainly Umbra), his father and his two closest men. He was born to look over hell for materials mortem. He has 6 children (in a way): Umbra, Lucifer, Lapis, Miliride, walt, emily. He is very powerful but he conserves his energy so sometimes he is very weak and sometimes very stong

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