일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Liena Ruan의 일러스트

Alan Sebastian Danvers

즐겨찾기 1


  • medibangpaint

  • Oc's

  • Australian

  • Teenager

  • Australia

  • UpperClass

  • Immigrant

Alan, or "Ali" by his boyfriend, is an upper class Australian, singer, and engineer with an IQ of 120, and specializes in Calculus 3 mathematics. His parents are the richest people the world (his dad being THEE richest and his [step] mother being the 2nd richest) His birth mother left him bEcAuSe ShE dIdN't WaNt A bOy. He's a dual citizen of his home country Australia, and the US. He His pants alone cost 50,000 USD. Unlike most rich kids, he's not spoiled, and his parents are very good and intelligent people. He's also gay and has been kept under the radar for his entire life. He's fluent in German, French, Irish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and even Native American Kutenai (Pronounced: Koot-nee) of the Kootenai (Also pronounced Koot-nee) Tribe.
Pets: 5 month old Average sized female Australian Shepherd named Athénaïs, 3 month old a male Axolotl called Chipper, and a 1 year old female Cinnamon Cockatiel named Beau.

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    신작순 Liena Ruan의 일러스트


    Liena Ruan


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    오늘의 레벨업!