wip for #fandomslol
jack and pewds
love em' both
oh yeah, for the people who don't understand the reference, pewdiepie made a parody version of youtuber jacksfilm's series, "YIAY". his parody, "LWIAY", was joked about being the first created, and that jacksfilms was copying his idea, when it was obviously entirely made by jack before pewds got a chance to parody it. uhh, it's sort of an inside joke between both audiences watching them, so sorry if i explained it kind of vaguely.
anyway, the photo represents the whole inside joke, except jack is getting ticked off that pewds "stole" his idea of YIAY.
let me make this clear, jack was NEVER angry with felix for making a little parody of his series. i just decided to draw the scene as shown for possibly more comedic effect in the art.
k squadfam out 👁👅👁👌💯🔥🅱️