Green grapes
3 years ago
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Belief in Divine Books
Allahu ta’âlâ sent many Books. However, only 104 of them are mentioned in our religious books. 100 of them are little Books called suhuf [pl. of sahîfa].
These 100 suhuf were revealed to the following Prophets:
10 suhuf to Âdam (‘alaihis-salâm),
50 suhuf to Shît (‘alaihis-salâm),
30 suhuf to Idrîs (‘alaihis-salâm),
10 suhuf to Ibrâhîm (Abraham ‘alaihis-salâm).
The other four big Books were revealed to the following Prophets:
The Tawrât (Torah) to Mûsâ (Moses ‘alaihis-salâm),
The Zabûr (the original Psalms) to Dâwud (‘alaihis-salâm),
The Injîl (Latin ‘Evangelium’) to ‘Îsâ (Jesus ‘alaihis-salâm),
The Qur’ân al-karîm to our Master the Prophet Muhammad (‘alaihis-salâm).