插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 LalenRasch的插畫

Shigeo x Chise (Mob psycho 100 Oc) OCXCANON

我的最愛 2
閱覽數 832


  • oc

  • 路人超能100

  • 影山茂夫

  • 霊幻新隆

  • mobpsyco100

  • ocxcanon

  • shigeoxchise

I finally finished watching the anime Mob psycho 100, Shigeo Kageyama must have received the love of a cute girl, and since I'm an Oc x canon shipper I came up with an oc for Mob.
Her name is Chise Hara
high school student in an all-girls school, lives with her older sister (I'll introduce her soon).
Chise was tormented by an evil spirit of a deceased guy who got into debt because of her father and since then the spirit has been tormenting only Mr. Hara's youngest daughter because of his two daughters he has had more affection and preference for the younger one and knows that the suffering would be much worse for him and the rest of his family.
Her older sister decided to put an end to the torment her little sister was going through by calling the operator Arataka Reigen, from the Spirit Consultation Office and other ''Reitoka Sōdansho''. Mob took it upon himself to end Chise's torment and from that moment on she lives in love with him, feeling more than grateful to the telepathic boy.


    上傳時間 LalenRasch的插畫





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