일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Alice The Forsaken의 일러스트

Happy Halloween Part 5(Final part):Starvefruit(

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  • medibangpaint

(Turn drawing upside down for another cool image of another perspective!)
Starvefruit comes from a comet that crashed into earth.Substances such as dark matter and natural comet liquids seep into the ground and often are absorbed by normal starfruit.It begins to grow at a mass overnight.By that time,the comet is fully absorbed and signs of its crash are covered by fields of starvefruit disguised as starfruit.When it is eaten by someone,it feeds on all the food they eat and drink.This causes their host to start starving.Their roots spread throughout the inside of the body,like a new nervous system.Eventually,starvefruit grow in the victims,poking out of their bodies.The victim has now become like a zombie,and goes off to eat any food in the area.Never getting full.Their seeds can spread like a virus,seeds can sneezed,coughed or eaten by others.This fruit has lead to many famines.

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    신작순 Alice The Forsaken의 일러스트


    Alice The Forsaken


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