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Latest Leo Jerus’s art

giant octopus

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Views 152

3 years ago

  • BLUEHUNTER_ArtContest

  • BLUEHUNTER-Undiscovered_MarineLifeCategory

  • contest

  • artstreet

  • bluehunter

  • bh_mal

  • bh_life

Name of marine life: poseidon octopus
Difficulty to capture (1-5): 4
Habitat: lives at the bottom of the oceans
Diet: feeds on large fish and the remains of deep-sea animals
Body length: 22m
Species: giant octopus
Degree of endangerment (1-5): 5
Characteristics (Flavor reason for endangerment, history of discovery etc): due to its harpoons in its arms and head, this creature becomes very dangerous cornered, it is said that this creature gave rise to the famous kraken

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