일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 𝑬𝑽@의 일러스트

"The Cursed High School" (read desc please!) (WIP) LEVEL 2

즐겨찾기 8


  • 호러

  • 학원

  • 만화

  • 창작

  • 남자애

  • 자캐

  • cover

  • creepy

  • Story

  • Ev@

※ 이 작품의 테그편집은 할 수 없습니다.

This is a short story book contest that my high school organized! This is my entry! Sorry, it's in Spanish and im extremely sorry if you don't understand what it says. :') this is a collaboration, my school friend wrote the story and im gonna illustrate it! The prize is 50 euros :) , i will give 25€ to my friend because she collaborated with me in this.
The story is about a boy called Ezequiel who is mocked by people on his high school to be studious and smart, also for being a bit chubby and childish. Then he goes to the bus stop to go home, but he sees that no one else than him is in the bus for a strange reason. It's Halloween eve so he thinks that people on his school went away. And it will continue! The tiny little problem is that i have to draw 3 pages and the deadline is tomorrow. 😭 shall i get it done? No. It's bed time for me so i will have to go lol
Sorry for a long text, good night and i hope you luv this! <3

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    신작순 𝑬𝑽@의 일러스트




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