插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

时间顺序 ☁︎Orion☁︎的插画

Start a Riot

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浏览数 196


  • MediBang

  • GeneratorRex

  • Ben10Omniverse

  • TheSecretSaturdays

I didn’t think I’d ever do it but I actually drew the Celebrity Trio. Admittedly, my human anatomy needs a lot of work but I think this is one of the best pieces I’ve done in a long time. I rewatched Omniverse and GenRex a little while ago and I only now managed to find a place to watch TSS but, since I’ve only ever roughly sketched them, I decided that it was finally time to do a full piece for them. And by that I mean sketch and then experiment with grayscale and watercolour brushes. I may do more like this in the future but, for now, I think I’m just gonna stick to what I know.

This also isn’t named after a song I’ve been listening to on repeat from the Into the Spiderverse soundtrack. *cough*

I do not (and am unlikely to) ever own Generator Rex, Ben 10 Omniverse or The Sececret Saturday’s. They belong to their respectful owners and Cartoon Network.

The only thing that does belong to me is the crappy art ;w;

Crossposted on DA cuz I spend more time over there~


    时间顺序 ☁︎Orion☁︎的插画





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