插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Leieryx 🍁🌙 (evil)的插畫

Selfie in the city-- βҽӀӀą's Request LEVEL 3

我的最愛 17
閱覽數 114


  • リクエスト

  • 動漫

  • 色彩

  • lemonart

So here's the request from βҽӀӀą!
Check out her art here:https://medibang.com/author/15566244/
And the original drawing/reference here:https://medibang.com/picture/5k2011090623154920015566244/
The colors on this one were HARD ;-;
She ended up being much more tan, cause with the pink ish background and flowers, she looked not-even-human pale :v
so yeah sorry about that ;---;
But other than that I'm pretty happy with it! I'm surprised how fast I've been able to do these (i thought it might take me a couple days each) so I may be opening requests on a more permanent basis soon, once i'm done with the existing requests and Subscriber showcase. Anyway, thanks for coming, peace out
(i always have so much to type here ;<;)


    上傳時間 Leieryx 🍁🌙 (evil)的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP