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Latest Hope299GAMES’s art

More of Nicolas's buds! LEVEL 2

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2 years ago

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  • Hope299GAMES

Dialogue time!
Richard: Good morning friends and enemies keep your limbs inside of the time warp at all times I am not responsible for any dumbassary to-DAY! Aye we have at least 43 seconds left plenty of time to stop a nuclear war of I do say so myself. Wanna see what this button does? I do.
Laslo: According to my calculations I...have fucked up. I know I'm chocolate but I personally identify with extra virgin olive oil. I want to try something new but there's a low probability of me liking it.
Chris: Aye cheapskate it's a fuckin dollar I don't get paid enough to deal with ya shit. Hannah, you'll be fine, here I'll even let ya loiter in the shop for a bit free of charge. I'm hungover but still managed to come into work give me a break fuckface.
Joan: Breathe sweetpea, I love you to bits and we'll get through this. I'm growing out a mullet and none of y'all can stop me! I love this new shirt, I should get you one! You'd look great in it, you look great in nearly everything.

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