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Hydrogen the cat

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1 year ago

  • cat

  • elements

  • element

  • chemical

  • periodictable

  • chemistry

  • hydrogen

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Name: Hydrogen
Atomic symbol: H
Atomic number: 1
Species: Cat
Gender: Male
Height: 60cm / 2’ 0” (shortest)
Category: Non-metal, Life essential elements

Short and tiny little fella, friendly, but when he gets angry, his body is fiery.

Like to fly around

Loves sugary foods and astronomy stuff

Design notes:

- He has a halo with one moving electron on his head
- 3 whiskers on both sides
- A star on his torso
- His wings are cloudy
- "H" marking on his forehead and "1" marking on his torso in the middle of the star

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