Team: Royale Groupshot 2.0 Everette V.C. Rosebud
4 years ago
Everette Valtier Cheshire Rosebud, Agent Spectre...
Everette is the Mysterious Spectre of Blackthorn, an Agent known to take on insane odd and somehow succeed, coming out alive. An Agent whose said to be somebody found to have abilities similar to those of the Broken God, recruited by Marcus but never getting the chance to fight them because they were already dead. Known as the "Ghost of the Broken God". In Person, Everette completely fails to live up to any image held about the Spectre, with no regard for his own wellbeing. Ridiculous, Casual, and yet seemingly Overconfident to a fault & Apathetic, underneath this mask is glimpses of Unbelievable Power and Competence at his job.
In reality, most of what is said about the Broken God was lies, their death faked by him and Marcus. Everette is really the Eternal "Broken God of Godkillers", hard as that is to believe. He's got longstanding issues with failure, Seemingly stemming from something to do with "Roses" and Black Iron.