일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 Devselia의 일러스트

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Eye colouring tutorial LEVEL 1

즐겨찾기 6


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  • tutorial

  • coloring

I'll try my best to describe my methods in here since there's a word limit. I'm a heavy painter so I tend to rely on that more than my sketches, but it's always best to remember that skin and bone hides the majority of the eye. Skin has properties that cast shadow and reflect light.

In the first part I drew different types of eyes. I used the symmetry tool to keep it even. You have to be careful and turn it off sometimes to make sure there's no "chameleon" effect with eye direction. With colouring I deepen the colour within the eye crease. Some eyes don't have as intense creases, some do. It's good to look at photos of eyes to get an idea of its shadow and reflective properties.

With the last one, the lineart is put on "overlay" in blending mode, I put the base colours underneath the sketch, and rendered on top. I tend to change things a bit from the initial sketch. Drawing the folds over the eyeball should help shape the eye more easily.

I ran out of space to type ^^; Good Luck!!!

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    신작순 Devselia의 일러스트




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