일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 DeadNoMore Illustrations의 일러스트

Happy Seollal! B-Negative Marvel fanart

즐겨찾기 3


  • 팬아트

  • cute

  • monster

  • LGBT

  • 뱀파이어

  • newyear

  • Marvel

  • Family

  • Oc's

  • marvelfanart

Happy (late) Seollal!
-It was so wired to draw Jun-seo (B-Negative) withough his platform/highheels on.
So.. I was gonna draw this and post it before/on Seollal, but I forgot to upload it until now 😅 sorry... hehe anyway, it's here now and I hope I did an at least semi okay job, if anyone knows any details about the korean new year I'd love to hear it 😊 😄 also I hope the korean in this actually says happy seollal, or at least close to that, I don't speak/read korean almost at all yet, so if anyone who sees this dose I'd love to know if I got it right or messed up, anyway, hope you enjoy!

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    신작순 DeadNoMore Illustrations의 일러스트


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    DeadNoMore Illustrations


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