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Silly boys inc LEVEL 1

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1 year ago

  • demon

  • trio

  • Sunrise

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Name of the trio requested by flame. It’s so funny omg, I decided this guys to be friends. Here’s some lore

Samson and Alex went to Jay’s house. Because he invited them to be with him. They’ve planned that they’re going to be in home doing fun things together.

Jay: “wohoo! We’re going to have the best time of our lives!”
Samson: “what we will do?”
Jay:” uh… do a cooking contest?”
Alex: “Did you say cooking? I WILL WIN YA!”

They did pizza. Obviously Alex won lol. And then, they ate it.

Alex:” What about playing a game?”
Samson:” which one?”
Alex: “beach ball!”
Jay:” yeah! I have a pool outside! And it’s sunny outside too heh, but I don’t really like water, what if I play music while you play it?”

Samson: “yayy! I love beachball “

To be continued…
I made all that yesterday! I hope you like it!

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