Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest Sherlockstardis’s art

Digital pen! LEVEL 1

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4 years ago

  • giftyouwant2020

  • giftyouwant2020:10000YenGift

  • medibangpaint

I've been drawing for forever, I love illustrating my thoughts and growing to improve in different mediums. I've only recently taken up digital art, I'm used to traditional. So Im extremely new, I know very little about how to draw digitally so lots of terribly interesting drawings happen which are far from presentable but either way fun to make. I have loved learning about techniques to use with digital. I've mostly just drawn on my phone, which makes it very hard to be very detailed. I have been able to save up enough money for a bigger device to draw on and I am very excited to see how it works! However, I don't have enough money to buy a stylus, I occasionally *borrow* my brothers stylus he got at a grocery store but it would be so amazing to get a nice working digital pen, I would love it! Of course once I learn how it works..

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