East Turkistan/Landscapes/Food/Dances/Customs
In my country...
We have beautiful forests and mountains it’s always breath taking to see our beautiful and natural landscapes and land graphics.
In East Turkistan we have many delicious food like Lagman,Sumsa,Pollo,etc. They are traditional food and it’s AMAZING!
We Uyghurs of East Turkistan are really known for our songs and dances that we do on stage or on occasion.
Mostly in our dances we wear Atlas pattered dresses or anything that is eye pleasing.
In East Turkistan we speak Uyghur and we are Muslims
I love my country.
But even though it’s occupied by China
We stay strong.
My family is From East Turkistan and I will represent my country.
This is a Countryhuman...
And I designed it myself.