Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest kiielmao’s art

Request 1 and 2 ( read desc pls? ) LEVEL 3

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4 years ago

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So you might be wondering where ive been for 5 days, well my dad actually took away my tablet because i wake up late even though i ATLEASTED tried to go sleep early ( which i did). During those days without internet and stuff i just watched tv and drawed traditionally and i guess get ready for school on Tues. I think he will take it away again next week for another 5 days, so i wont even be in touch with u gjys that much :V. Anyways about the requests, i only completed 2 ( for anonymousesayshooi and karmaclaw) and the others are still WIP so that'll come out soon. So enjoy?? Also requests are still open if yall still wantt it. Deadline is December idk¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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