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krydiaa pine sheet (read desc.)

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6 years ago

  • medibangpaint

krydiaa isn’t human or monster. she is a Kotarian, a species from a planet named Kortaria. her parents were apart of the royal kingdom and there can be only spring and summer kotarians. krydiaa was born as a winter (she had white hair not brown at the time) so the family treated her poorly and after she turned 7 the family decided to get rid of her and throw her of the planet. she landed on another planet named earth, her landing was forgotten (lol). but a nice man named Morone decided to help and take care of her as his own :> he was still heartbroken from his cheating wife but he has a better thing to put his mind on. on earth krydiaa was actually 4 and lived with Morone until she was 12. sadly morone died from a serious car crash. krydiaa has to move with her best friend amber. btw she has a polar opposite being named automii, she is very lustful and will use ppl for money. krydiaa HATES automii bc automii wants control over krydiaa’s body

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