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Latest MattyDevily’s art

[Marvel] Gwen, Ray, Will, Dex

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4 years ago

  • Marvel

  • Netflix

  • spider-sona

  • Spider-Gwen

Ok then to try to summarize all this:

William is equipped with an intradimentional watch (like Gwen and the other totem spiders), so he decided to change his mind a bit by going to another land. Only he fell to Earth-199 999, and ON THE TABLE OF WILSON FISK (because it's not funny otherwise). So it happens during Season 3 of the Daredevil series, when Wilson fisk manipulates the FBI, Poindexter and Ray Nadeem. Unfortunately, it's Fisk who will save William's buttocks when The Hand catches him (because walking around with the Iron Fist symbol on the back of his costume wasn't a good idea, no). Wilson Fisk manipulates him in his turn, stole his watch indirectly, and Will is therefore stuck in Terre-199 999 convinced that Matt Murdock is the big bad guy who must stop and with Ray and Dex as his team. Gwen will come to her rescue of course, and Will will learn a lesson from all of this:

You never annoy a female spider. It's dangerous ...

Ah Dex is very playful to him to see a fight.

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