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【sample】ART street Illustration Book Cover Contest

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4 years ago

  • ART_street_Illustration_Book_Contest


◆Points to consider when drawing a cover illustration.
・The range the cover illustration is the front cover, spine, and back cover. We're looking for a "single illustration" that connects all of them.
It is recommended to place important things on the "front cover" side.



◆Puntos a considerar al dibujar una ilustración de portada
・La gama de la ilustración de la portada es desde la cubierta, el lomo y la contraportada, pero estamos buscamos "una sola ilustración" que esté toda conectada.
・Se recomienda colocar la parte importante en el lado de la "cubierta".

◆커버 일러스트를 그리는 포인트
・커버 일러스트 범위는 앞표지, 책등 표지, 뒷표지로 해당 표지들이 전부 이어지는 "1장의 일러스트"를 모집합니다!
・"앞표지" 쪽에는 디자인에서 중요한 부분을 배치하는 걸 추천합니다.

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