插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 °Jack Jack draws°的插畫

Ollie's oc card

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 90


  • medibangpaint

Ollie was a boy born alone when his parents saw him they left so he got adopted by a fox family they loved him and he loved them but when he turned 13 he left to find his real parents he never did so he came home at the age of 16. As he was walking home from his failed mission he ment a bunny named Cupcake at the park he and her talked and found out they went to the same school "Animal Wild Highschool". Soon enough him and cupcake went on dates and became girlfriend and boyfriend. ( please tell me how I did on this story)


    上傳時間 °Jack Jack draws°的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP