일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 KibbleNoddleSnail의 일러스트

Oc/ Void lore description!!!!

즐겨찾기 1


  • aaaaa

  • medibangpaint

  • 자캐

  • void

  • details

  • Myhandsaredead

  • pt2

  • oclore

  • Damnthistooklong

  • Fillertag

(Look at the windows)
Void woke up in a dark checkered room, In front of them the kid stood, but unlike normal they're his eyes were a deep red,
"Kid, are you ok? Thank god I'm not in here alone" Panic and fear could be heard in Void's voice as they hugged the child,
"Are you ok Astin? I hope I wasn't out long,"
Void's concern and love for Astin were clear as his eyes turned back to the turquoise green they were originally as Astin burst into tears.
"It's ok now my child," Void said softly "We're safe now" their calming voice soothed Astin as they fell asleep in Void's arms

Void knew something was off, they felt like they were being watched and they were.

By themself

The entire time 2020 was watching them from the control room,
"Heheh" They cackled to themselves, "How stupid did they make me? I'm surprised that it worked! That kid must love them, and it seems like it's vice versa."
2020 monologue
"I can use that." they said flat, as they're au came back, taking over Voids

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    신작순 KibbleNoddleSnail의 일러스트




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