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Eye Tutorial! ( i hope it helps you!)

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Views 229

4 years ago

  • The_Challengers

  • tutorial

  • medibangpaint

Step1:(Important note) Make sure you use Clipping on each of your new layers!
Step2: Make a dark shadow using pen and smudge brush.
Step3:Use higher up color than you used on step two, then make again shadow using same brushes. After do that Make it Multiply.
Step4:{New layer} Using (Airbrush opacity 20%) draw ( ) shape.
Step5:{New layer} Using Pencil brush draw like Butterfly Wing.
Step6:Layer...Divide opacity 66%) Using Pencil brush to make detailed light splashes. then {make a new layer... Overlay} make more detailed light splashes.
step7:{layer Multiply} make a shadow around light splashes using air brush. anther {layer Add opacity 51%} make a shadow again using higher color and same brush.
step8:{Layer Add opacity 65%} using Airbrush draw U shape..and cut it to be like fire then blur it.
step9:use pencil brush to draw eye lens 0 shape and in the last step make sure make the layer overlay. and draw the lines around lens.
Step10: return on step five and make the layer blending Add.

The Challengers


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