Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Latest 彩山浄楽’s art

杖刀偶磨弓/じょうとうぐうまゆみ[TouHou Project]

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Views 443

4 years ago

  • May.2020Contest:Cheering

  • painting

  • drawing

  • illustration

  • medibangpaint

  • black

  • Touhou_Project

  • 杖刀偶磨弓

The painting took me a large part of the time. I really like the characters in this game because she's all very special! I've spoken to a lot of TouHou fans on art Street and learned a lot of techniques!
I hope that every friend in the TouHou area can have a wide range of communication, we can build a lot of features in the TouHou area!
This song: "1stMob.:2009522or0311"
この絵は私に多くの時間を要した。 私は本当に彼らがすべての特徴を持っているので、このゲームのキャラクターが大好きです! 私はARTストリートのウェブサイト上のTouHou愛好家の多くと通信し、多くの技術を学びました!
この音楽: "1stMob.:2009522or0311"
这次的画作花了我很大一部分的时间。我真的非常喜欢这一部游戏里的角色,因为她们都很有特点!我与ART Street网站里的很多TouHou爱好者们进行了交流,并且学到了很多的技术!

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