(Late B-day gift) Teahie hug Blue Night
This is for Bluenight3156 on Youtube. Yesterday, I saw Light starole's short video about her birthday. Blue night's birthday is 27th October!!!
gosh, I'm late imao.
Base by pesapesa202
Teahie by me
Blue night by diniarvegafinahar
Windows 10 from 4K Wallpapers
Link: https://4kwallpapers.com/technology/windows-10-dark-blue-5k-8k-733.html
Nightsky wallpaper from Freepik
Link: https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/backgrounds-night-sky-with-stars-clouds_180633-4011.jpg?size=626&ext=jpg&ga=GA1.1.386372595.1698278400&semt=ais
Edited by me
Microsoft Windows belongs to Microsoft
Artwork belongs to me
Click for the song!
Link: https://youtu.be/y7WLDnnmGwE