插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

上傳時間 Howdy, i a m Wubb .的插畫

Sucky sketch! :D read desc, ANNOUNCEMENT ;u;

我的最愛 0
閱覽數 60


  • oc

  • Persona

  • Announcments

  • SuckySketch

So- the iPad i draw and operate is being borrowed for a business trip, and my tablet is too slow and sucky to download Medi on, so I’ll be gone for a week-
I’ll still be posting for all contests I’ve entered, and all prizes I’m working on-
Also the person I’m making a persona for, I’m done! But I only finished one drawing- and I just made a huge improvement with anatomy and now I hate it ;u;
So I’ll be redrawing it because I can’t post it-
I’m sorry fam, but I can’t ;u;
It’ll only be a week, so I’ll be back around next Monday!


    上傳時間 Howdy, i a m Wubb .的插畫



    今天的LEVEL UP