Astel Valmont ~ Official Reference
First Name: Astel
Last Name: Valmont
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Sivryn
Personality: +Loyal, +- Persuasive, - Manipulative,
- Unstable, +Clever, -Narcissistic
Likes: Answers, puzzles, cats, darkness, pasta salad, gloomy days, good ratings on his shows and movies
Dislikes: snow, dogs, bats, sunny days, anything that has cucumbers in it.
Fears: Chiroptophobia - Fear of bats.
Height: 7'1
Birthday: August 7th
Astel started acting at a young age. As he grew older, his acting skills came in handy as he took the role of a spy. He maintained his acting job, making him a celebrity in the capital of Sivryn, while also working part-time as a notorious spy.
Often he was hired by the Council of Reen to spy on suspicious activity which would lead to small rebellions and terrorist groups being uncovered.
Only the council knows of his role as a spy, as they were the ones who asked him to take the job.