일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 SammytheStorm의 일러스트

three species finished

즐겨찾기 3


  • medibangpaint

Ok these are three new creatures that are in the same genus that I made that I ‘m going to expand upon in the future , but first I need to more character sheets to explain the stories of my other characters, however I will not leave you in the dark with these creatures and their unique abilities so here we go

The brown and tan one (yes I know SO creative) lives underground in the desert. It comes at night it comes out to eat, however do to its smaller stature it’s constantly being hunted by predators, so in order not be to extinction they developed clubbed tails to defend themselves and large crests to make them look bigger. As for the things on their backs where once wings however this specific breed had easier to live underground than in the clouds.

The the pink and white one (which is heavily inspired by the light fury) lives in incredibly dense forests and jungles. It has the ability to change its markings to blend into the environment.

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    신작순 SammytheStorm의 일러스트




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