マレシアのデザート | Oneh Oneh 椰糖絲球 LEVEL 1
4 years ago
Oneh Oneh 椰糖絲球
Oneh oneh is very common tea time snack in Malaysia, you can find it in any road side Malay food stall. The green colour came from pandan leaf juice, mixed with glutinous rice flour, and filled with the sweet sweet gula Melaka. And finally coat with grated coconut, ready to enjoy your tea time.
Oneh oneh 是馬來西亞常見的下午茶,一般都直接稱為Oneh oneh而幾乎沒有用中文名來稱呼。Oneh oneh在當地的任何一個馬來小吃的路邊攤都能夠看到。綠色的外表是來自班蘭葉的汁,加上飽足感滿滿的糯米粉混合而成,當然內陷裡加上滿滿甜甜的椰糖。最後外層再薄上椰絲,美好的下午茶完成。