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i finished yin.... LEVEL 3

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4 years ago

  • medibangpaint

  • oc

  • Adopt

  • Yin

  • Redpanda

and yes i know, the i in yin is not capialized, i have a habit of doing this.
anyway meet yin, an adopt from crossout! about him:
he is 20 years old and has the ability to traval to the 4th demeinion, which alows him to bacicly travel through walls and long distances without being noticed. his hands are stuck looking like they do in the 4th demenion and he wears gloves to cover them. his only living family is Rin( Yins brother) which is owned by HeadHonchoCodex. his mother and father are deceaced.
i would type more but i have to go finish my schoolwork....

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