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The deaths of the willowswaiyen siblings

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3 years ago

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oof here ya go I did a warning for the first thing for ya'll, the one drowning is Manny willowswaiyen 4 years old the youngest aka Emma's younger sibling, the one on the bottom is Jenny willowswaiyen the middle child 9 years old she was ran over by a mine cart, and lastly the one on the right is Emma willowswaiyen the eldest she was killed 21 years old. here's Emma's backstory: she lost her siblings when she was 12, Manny was first to go he had drowned and Jenny was second she had been hit by a mine cart, a year later she was re-united with her best friend since birth,Delilah Ray. After that they traveled together, 5 years later they had found a village that had a ravine that not only had a abandoned mine but also the strong hold, they decided to fill up the ravine a little then build a farm. they named it Foxberg because you can find foxes everywhere there, there was also a meadow that had two ruined nether portals, by the time they were 21(the age they are now) they had tons of pets

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