일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

신작순 dualnaito의 일러스트

MediBang Paint mascot (mascot)

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  • 100만다운로드돌파기념

Name: Aegis

In term of the use in a software called medibang, it is mean to help the program run smoothly and perfectly with many tools included. Aegis helps in assisting the android system in running software.

The characteristic of Aegis is cheerful, optimistics, enthusiastic, full of energy, petite yet powerful and friendly.
Aegis consisting of colours that represent technologies without boundaries with colourful antenna in giving signal to the source of energy.

Aegis carrying a tools at her side which are the nibs and the power of controlling the pressure of the pen. In the context of medibang feature, Aegis is a way of life for medibang to improve better result of the work to become even more outstanding.

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    신작순 dualnaito의 일러스트



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