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6 years ago

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  • parklandshooting

Banning guns will lead to another mass genocide soon. Media is brainwashing youth just as Hitler and the maxis did. I'm a victim of bullying. People who are causing these school shootings are usually victims of bullying, mental health issues, a rough homelife, ect. The 17 kids killed in the parkland shooting would much prefer you make a friend and stop another shooting rather than you walk out and say banning guns is the only way. Truth is banning guns won't do anything. They will only take the registered guns. The bad guys don't have registered guns and they wouldn't be willing to give them up anyways. If you didn't have any guns but the bad guys did, how safe would you REALLY feel? Knowing you are unsafe and vulnerable? Please take my advice, sit by the lonely kid, go make a friend, stand up for the people being bullied, get to know them. Stop a potential shooting.

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